Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Stand by me

gilbert jose, a friend from long ago, shared a link to a great song. this song has great resonance for me. i hope it touches you too. we all need to stand by each other.

it might take awhile to load on your computer. have patience. you will be rewarded.


  1. Ma. Carmela C. AzurinMay 13, 2009 at 8:13 PM

    Whatever havoc cancer made to your body, it did not come near any degree to affecting your spirit and resolve. What it made out of you, as is apparent to me, is a writer.

    You write well. You write well because you make me want to read you. You make me want to read you because you write with a heart not different from mine. A heart not different from mine because I feel you and feel you because you are not afraid to expose me to circumstances otherwise greatly guarded and kept hidden.

    You have commiserated with yourself well enough, and all others have empathized with you, deserving or not, as you mentioned in your earlier musings, so I will stay away from that knowing you know that I have rallied and prayed for you since I heard of the sad news from Cris.

    Wake up calls and late night knocks on one's door are often unpleasant and frightening, but it also brings with it some good - stronger character, greater resolve, better perspective, and changes for the better in more ways than one.

    Let us then just stay and rest easy on the blessings that are still given you for nothing ever is entirely evil, nothing ever is entirely good, at least not within the parameters of this world we live in. Let us just bravely take the good knowing that at its other end is misery and pain.

    Be as well as can be Benjie. I am with you... always in my prayers.

  2. thanks, carmela. i'm glad you like my blog. when i started it, i decided to open up myself. me, who has closely guarded the person i am, who hides behind masks, behind masks, behind masks. as the blog continues, who knows? maybe there are more masks to discard. even i surprise myself.

    yes, let's be thankful for whatever we're given. no tears for the bad things, no regrets for what might have been. only appreciation for being here.
