Saturday, May 23, 2009

Selecting a cure

once people learned i had cancer, family and friends came forward to offer assistance by pointing cris and i to several doctors, oncologists, and alternative medicine practitioners. i realized i had to think of how i would like to be treated.

although the natural choice would normally be western medicine with its scientific and technological developments over the years, i have been a follower and believer of alternative medicine for a long time. the idea of natural remedies has always appealed to me. maybe it's because of my being a filipino, with all our herbolarios, hilots and faith-healers. i grew up in the province where these were the healers of first choice, because doctors educated in western medicine were not always available or were beyond the financial capability of barrio people.

besides, western medicine despite all its well-funded research and scientific clinical tests, has a 'hit or miss' element in its treatments. it is not uncommon for doctors to prescribe a drug for a malady, and when it doesn't work on a patient, to move on to the next drug, and then, move on again, until the right one is found.

even the more expensive, modern machines are not 100% accurate or effective. doctors admit that radiology and chemotherapy affects not only cancer cells, but good cells as well. they have side effects which are managed with more drugs, which in turn also have other side effects.

the western medications and treatments work for some people, but not for others. on the patients that respond well to the therapy, the healing is sometimes partial or temporary. i believe this is because different people will react to these medications and treatments in different ways. after all, each of us is unique in our physiology and chemical compositions.

defenders of western medicine will say that these “gold standard” therapies are backed with years of extensive research and development, and have undergone strictly controlled tests in order to ensure their safety and effectiveness. they can quote medical statistics to prove each treatment’s effectiveness. yet, there are adverse effects. yet, healing is not assured.

at this point in my journey, i have chosen the alternative medicine route. i can imagine my traditional (read, western medine) doctor-friends moaning and groaning, and saying what a great mistake i am making. i am playing with my health and my life. i am delaying the application of medications and treatments that could save my life.

bear with me while i explain my decision.

why choose alternative medicine, which is fraught with hocus-pocus, quacks, and frauds? because sometimes real healers can be found among them.

but they have no scientific data to back them up; no strict clinical tests done on their treatments. of what use are scientific data or clinical test results to me, if i have no assurance of being cured? uncertainty exists in both western and alternative medicine.

while it is true that alternative medicine have no empirical data to back it up, there are living, breathing people who have been cured with it. like a doctor of mine said, 'how can you argue with success?' well, some successes exist anyway.

but why alternative? because, as i've said, i'm partial to 'natural', as opposed to synthetically produced drugs that are based on natural elements.

i have heard several alternative medicine explanations of cancer. different treatments based on natural healing abound. how do i separate the grain from the chaff? i listen and try to go with what sounds the most logical to me.

how can i trust my own uneducated, unscientific assessment of a similarly wide variety of alternative medicine therapies? because in the end, i am responsible for myself. it is my life (and to be macabre about it, my death) and no one else’s. am i forgetting cris and my children? no, i am not, but i have to live my life, as they do theirs, and i also believe i am making the best choice that will allow me to share a fuller longer life with them. we all make our choices. some will be good, most will not be so good. i have made some unbelievably bad choices in my life! but i have always been prepared to pay the price for them, as i am doing now.

but the thing that leads me most to alternative medicine is my desire to be an active participant in my healing process, rather than a passive patient. with western medicine, i am given medications and treated by a physician, who is expected to heal me. in the alternative medicine approach i choose, i am my own healer, and my physician is my guide.

this may seem like a good cut-out mechanism for my alternative medicine coach. if i am not cured, it's my fault, not his, for not following instructions, for not sticking to my prescribed diet, for not religiously taking my food supplements, for not exercising properly. if the western-trained doctor does not heal me, hey! it's not my fault. he failed in his job.

but i prefer taking the responsibility for my well-being and cure on my shoulders, rather than on letting someone else bear the weight of all that responsibility.

cris is concerned about the tone of finality in my decision. would i change my mind if alternative medicine doesn't work? would i be willing to go the other route? like they said, 'it ain't over til the fat lady sings', and right now, there ain't any fat lady around to sing.

sure, i'm willing to explore, to listen, to weigh and to judge. but i have put down the guidelines i would like to base my decisions on. these are things i believe define the values i live by. and if we don't live by the values we choose in life, what are we but slaves to circumstances?

would i trade my good looks, ie hair, strong-looking physique, for a few more months of life under chemotherapy? would i prefer to be alive but weak and helpless in my bed? would i be able to stand the looks of fear and pity in the eyes of cris, my children and my friends when i am wasted and unable to function properly?

difficult questions to answer unless you're face to face with death. yesterday, i met an old classmate from la salle, chito jaraiz. he has cancer too. and he told me, 'we are the fortunate ones, benj. we know that we will soon be gone and can prepare for it. the others have no prior warning, and that could be more dangerous.' indeed, bro.

i have one last, over-riding reason for staying on my chosen path. on the day after i consulted with the alternative medicine practitioner whom i had already selected to be my guide, i decided to lift up my decision to God. i went to mass and stayed with the Blessed Sacrament for some time. i had made several decisions in the past without consulting the Lord. some of them turned out to be good decisions, some, bad. but even with the good decisions, without the Lord's blessing, the uncertainty would weigh heavily on me. this time, i needed His guidance. i could do without so much uncertainty.

i asked Him my questions; i prayed; and then, as i usually do in front of the Blessed Sacrament, i kept quiet, and listened, and prepared myself to wait. His answer came immediately and with such force, that i could not question His response . His words to me were, “Western or alternative medicine, makes no difference. Either one can make you well. What is important is My presence. I am the Healer.”

and that's life as benjie, with God.


  1. Spot on, dear Ben.

    I'm familiar with alternative maedicine too and have all kinds of books here, cancer books, name it, etc. I've donated some to our local library and to Salvos. I wish I can also share some to you. As a sole carer for four years of my soul-mate/best friend of almost 34 years. Esp her last year were the most trying times, I've lived through it all, and still trying to cope with the process of grieving. A challenge without any actual support system, but God is good. Romans 8:28, 8:35-39.

    Am teary-eyed while writing this, with all memories too much around me. You're so extremely blest to have a loving family esp with Chrissie by your side. I struggle even to have an occasional coffee with friends however, we need to cope and stand our best, believing turf is solid enough.

    I send my love to entire family and special hug to Jeremiah.

    She also had bottles of holy water from Ireland, etc... I've given the remainders to friends (thank God) now both on remission from breast cancer) and doing well.

    Always wishing you the very best.
    My prayers and love in friendships, extended to the family..


  2. Addendum. Hi Ben,

    I apologise (Oz use 's' not 'z') for my earlier "raw" post, unedited with typos. :) I was trying to capture my thoughts, foremost. Then the challenge came with difficulty posting as my links are all in WordPress. Tried few times. Had to work on my blogger account before I finally managed.

    I can't stand my misspellings, but NOTA BENEs prevail, ok? Now, I know what to do... Or you can edit my entry, can't you? ;)

    Regards to famie. Ich bin noch da, ;)


  3. Benji. I normally wouldn't do this, but your thoughtful comments and decisions re alternative medicine deserve a response. Remember the ad that said "Show me the beef"? Do you have any documentary evidence that alternative medicine has worked in people with your condition? What about results of modern medicine? Can you objectively compare the two paths? Is the problem one more of the presumption of losing your ability to function as a person (the effect of chemo, and the assumption that it will only prolong life by a few months) than of the alternative view that it might extend your life and allow you to maintain the loving relationships that you have now? Self-worth and one's desire to go on living are paramount in the treatment and healing process. The choices you are being forced to make are profound, and either one may be right or wrong. So I ask you whether there is a basis for using both approaches instead of having to choose one or the other?
    In any event, it was wonderful to see you, and I think your ruminations and the sharing with friends is also a form of therapy, both for you and for them. Best, Frank

  4. Hi Benj and Cris.

    Michelle forwarded this to me and I was deeply moved by the things you wrote here. Rest assured that our prayers are with you. In fact, as I am writing this, I asked our little angel Margarita, to help you be completely healed and to give you all the love, faith and strength in your journey. Thank you for letting us in your journey. All the love and light to you.


    Bombet, Joaquin and Margarita

  5. tel, i remember you had to take care of jopie. i only know your difficulties thru your stories. cris isn't there yet, but getting there. i hope you'll guide her thru her journey with me.

    frank, thanks for your words. they will be seriously considered. and it was good seeing you even if only for a short time.

    bombet, your prayers are most welcome and greatly needed. thanks.

  6. Hi Tito Benjie,

    Your blog never fails to amaze me. It's spontaneous yet well-written, simple yet so profound, witty and entertaining yet very moving.
    Im in so much awe of how you live every day with enthusiasm and gratitude. You exercise your faith in an optimistic direction, preparing for success, and expecting God's best in your life. I admire how you choose to live each day passionately as a positive reflection of God in our world. And you are actually putting actions behind your faith.
    You and Tita Cris have always been my family's inspiration- in faith and humility, etc. Thank you for being God's blessings to us. Together we sing praises to God, give thanks to Him and we know that He has us in the palm of His hand, and He would protect us and guide us to His best.
    My family and I love you, and we always pray for you and your family.

    Karen Naui

  7. Hi Benj, Found this out from Ivan. You ask many interesting questions.. as always.I use alternative medicine. There is one important element necessary for alternative medicine to work and that is to understand that our ailments, illnesses, you name it, are also of spiritual (and I don't mean this in a religious sense) origin. By reflecting on this, I am sure you will come to the right decision on what to do.

  8. Hi Benj! After reading your blog entry on alternative meds, a question came to mind for you: Is Prayer considered alternative medicine? Approaching the Great Physician, the Great Healer, on your knees might seem -- to some -- akin to Hocus Pocus. But we know better. May you continue to experience His peace and His blessing and His comfort throughout this ordeal. We're certainly praying for you and with you too, bro'.
