11 days, countless bouts of incredicle pain, 1 major operation, several tests, 1 less kidney, innumerable pledges of support and prayers, and a few realizations later, I'm back home. It has been a personal journey for me, with Cris constantly by my side.
I do not wish to speak of the pain I felt, for there was considerable pain. Perhaps it will be enough to say that simply being able to urinate was such a relief that it brought tears of joy. Fear was a constant that was blotted out by the pain. Even the fear of a major operation was unable to dampen my hoped for release from pain.
I've lost one kidney, but doctors say we are able to live well with just one, if we take good care of it. I plan to.
The tests aren't over yet. We're still awaiting the results of other tests. This time, there is no pain to make me forget the fear, so it is there. Something I will have to learn to live with and deal with.
Now, for the more important realizations I've had during this journey.
Realization #1: We are not indestructible.
Since my youth, I have played games with my health believing that I would overcome all possible illnesses, recuperate from the wear and tear I placed on myself, and rebuild any damage I sustained. Now the lesson has been driven home painfully and frighteningly – Superman comes from Krypton; we are of the planet earth, without superpowers, subject to the frailties of our humanity.
I will not advise against vices, for I did get some pleasure out of them, but I will advice caution and judiciousness. Vices require us to pay a price, the very least of which is to regularly seek medical advice. When the doctors tell us it's time to pay the price for our 'good times', then do so readily and wholeheartedly. Nothing is free in this world, except God's grace.
Realization #2: Our time on earth is limited.
This is a corollary to #1. Early in my life, books I read taught me to live as if everyday were the last day of my life. In this way, we would value every minute of our time and use the minutes wisely. It is a lesson I thought I learned well, but now realize, never really did. I spent too much time on careless pursuits. Today I find so many things left undone, so many lessons not learned, and lessons learned but never shared, so many people left unaided or uncared for, and much love left ungiven.
Value your time. There's too little of it to squander. Learn what you want to. Live your dreams. And most of all, share your life. Every life you enrich, enriches your own.
Realization #3: No matter what we think of ourselves, there are people who truly love us.
It does not matter much whether we are rich or poor, wise or foolish, good-looking or plain, people will love us despite our faults and shortcomings. I never considered myself as extraordinarily caring, or friendly, or helpful. In fact, many times I have been mean and hurtful to friends. Yet the outpouring of support Cris and I have received during this trial in our life together has shaken me. People do care for me, not because of what I am, but because of who they are.
I am humbled. Thank you.
Realization #4: Never take the love of a good woman or a good man, for granted.
For the same unknown reasons that people care for me, my wife Cris loves me. She has been by my side from the day we first went to the hospital and has taken care of me most lovingly and patiently. Her patience was greatly tested by my irritability especially right after the operation. I would ask her to raise the head of my hospital bed, and in the next instant, tell her to lower it. I asked her to massage by back first, gently, then, more vigorously, only to shout at her when her touch would trigger pain in my wound. She asked for prayers when I could not, or would not. (Remember, I did not think anyone would care enough for me to pray, except my close family and a few friends.) She would fetch things for me and even emptied my urinal when the nurses were not around.
To put things into perspective, Cris until recently, efficiently headed an ATM consortium. She is currently a highly-valued consultant for a conglomerate. Her advice is much sought-after and heeded, by presidents and top officials of banks and other companies. She has proven herself a success in her chosen field.
Yet, she has also chosen to serve me with great concern and humility. If that isn't love, then it doesn't exist. And I can only respond with a simple, heartfelt, “I love you too, Cris.”
Realization #5: Prayers live out our faith.
During this time, I realized that prayers for others is a concrete realization of Christ's second commandment to love others as you love yourself. But unless one truly believes in God and in His love for us, our prayers lack faith and strength, and therefore will not be effective. So before we get to the second commandment, we must first live the first which is to love the Lord with all heart, with all our mind, with all our soul, and with all our strength. Your prayers for me have been effective, and so I know you live the two greatest commandments of God.
Please continue to pray for me, as we should pray for one another, for we all need prayers in our lives. I can think of nothing in our mundane, everyday lives that allows us to give glory and praise to our Father than our prayers for each other.
Realization #6: God is life.
Faith in God saves us. Being saved is not living forever, nor is it living without fear, or pain, or hardships. Being saved is being reunited with God. Faith will bring us there.
Next week, the doctors will discuss the results of the biopsy of my kidney's mass with us. They've already warned us that the mass is most likely to be malignant. The results of the bone scan showed 'occult' traces of cancer cells. We've been asked to shop around for an oncologist.
There is fear and anxiety, but also faith and hope.
This journey of mine will go on. With Cris. With our children. With our extended family. With our friends. And with God.
Let us be thankful for the time we have together, and let us rejoice in our lives!
Keep on believing in God's care, my friend. We may have done the dumbest things in our lives, but still God loves us. Let's put our faith in Him who is also the Great Physician.
ReplyDeleteHi Bongging (you will never be Ben or Benjie to me),
ReplyDeleteAfter just 11 days, you have already come to realizations that take others a lifetime to discover. Although it is a high price to pay for fast forwarding us to the find the basic and the important, sometimes health challenges bring us closer to understanding what are real blessings, that of love of family and the true meaning of friendship.
Your faith and strength of character will keep you strapped to your seat in the roller coaster ride.
I have become closer to Cris in the last two weeks as never before. It is a gift to be her cousin and friend.
Not only because you are blood, but because you are my friend, KNOW that I will be a constant in your life.
Let your children know that their Tita Laida is a phone call/email/text away.
With love,
Gloria Dei Vivens Homo!
ReplyDeleteA philosopher once said that if you find yourself with sour lemons, make lemonade. (Alright, so maybe it wasn't really a "philosopher" but it's pretty cool, nevertheless.) The point in all this is that I was pretty upset when Bro Ben got sick and had to be cooped up in the hospital - emitting radioactive isotopes, dark humor,and all that negative stuff. That, for me was sour lemons. Of course, I had the faith to console myself with the assertion that God often lumps heavy trials on His favored ones, and those who do His work; but the selfish mundane part of me was a little shaken at this unfortunate turn of events. However, here, in this delightful blog of Ben, we have the lemonade that came out of those sour lemons! Thank you, Ben (Uhhh.. Do I address this to you, or can other people read the blog?) for producing this blog which surely serves as inspiration, enlightenment, encouragement, and sheer hardcore evangelization for all of us who are blessed with having read it. I especially wish to join my kumpare Ben in paying tribute to Sis Cris. I've always regarded Cris as the very fortunate lady who God tasked to look after the very remarkable Ben Santillan. But I have eventually come to appreciate the fact that Cris is actually part and parcel of the entire package - that which makes Ben Santillan so very remarkable. Watching this delightful couple over the years has illustrated for me the immense wonders of our Lord God in showering Filipino Catholic families with his love and grace. If only there was a way of packaging this stuff in little commercially-available cannisters or sachets so that all Filipino Catholic families can share in the kind of love that Ben and Cris exchange, exude, and set on a lampstand for all to see! But I'm rambling.., because it's almost 2AM, and my fingers speak faster than my mind can. My main message here is a message of gratitude and thanksgiving - first to our Lord for setting things straight and making Ben healthy again; and second to Ben for making lemonade out of the sour lemons, and giving us this blog.
God bless you!
Mike G.
Benj, I continue to pray for you and Cris. As I pray for my own Anjie and myself. I appreciate your lessons learned and hope to pass the tests as well as can be.
ReplyDeleteLooks like the prayers I regularly offer for the people on my list went to something specific, as far as you are concerned. The news of your confinement didn't reach me, unfortunately, but fortunately God knows the needs of each one.
My bosses (Chet & Margie Espino) went through something like this in that one was seriously ill for a time (life-threatening, though) and the other unceasingly gave all-out support, time, presence, prayers, patience... real dedication. Let me tell you that much as it will be difficult sometimes to see God's hand in all of it, it will be your wife who will reflect God's presence through all this. And just like what my bosses have gone through and are still experiencing, "divine pinpricks" such as this can do so much to bring husband and wife even closer together as long as the trial is shared and taken well. And from your blog entry alone, Cris sounds like one willing partner in sharing anything and everything :-)
Will continue praying for you & your family.
Love life!
Hi Benj, I am glad your operation was successful and relieved you of the pain you were suffering. Trials in our lives indeed make us reflect on what is truly important and deepens our understanding of life and the role we play in the lives of other people. Consciously or unconsciously you have enriched the lives of the people you touched and that is why their are people who love you and even if we all manifest our weakness at times as you described the goodness and the strengthens far outweigh it.
ReplyDeleteI honor also Cris for while you mention your fear surely she too has her share of it but chose to keep it and instead focussed her energies on your need.
Truly God is good because knowing the difficulties that we will have to go through in this life He has provided us with the support that we will need.So whatever else the future holds for you be of good cheer for you are loved and all things will pass. Remember, all things work the good of those who love God and according to His purpose which is always good.
I will continue to keep you and Cris in my prayers and see you soon up and about.
Ricky x.
Hi Benj,
ReplyDeleteThanks for your blog - it brought tears of joy and praise for how you and Cris are glorifying God with divine love and courage in your time of trial. Your eloquent, beautiful testimony cut through all the lies of the Father of lies, opening our eyes to the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Truly, God our Creator, the Father of Truth, instituted marriage as a sacred ("set apart to Him") relationship to reflect the glory of His relationship with His bride, the Church.
Colossians 1:9-12 sums up what Alice and I continue to pray and hope for you and Cris. We love you both!
Bob S
ReplyDeleteGlad you're recovering and I hope to see you around for a very long time. We may not enjoy a toast or five anymore, but that should not stop us from getting together and sharing friendships with our common group of friends.
I will, of course, continue to hope and pray for your good health.
See you soon.
Great blog site, Benjie - pains must have brought in a lot of inspiration to you for such creativity! Please help me open a blog site such as this...you will surely multiply your blessings! glad you are back in track. Ipromise i will keep on praying!
ReplyDeleteI PRAISE AND THANK GOD for your miraculous healing, and HONOR CRIS for her love, faith and dedication!!!
ReplyDeleteThis is a very creative and inspiring blog, and I hope I have your permission to pass it on to the numerous friends I requested prayers from, so that they can put a "face" to the subject of their prayers.
I have always believed in the power of intercessory prayers, and have witnessed many miracles in my lifetime!
Benjie and I will continue to pray for your complete healing and long life.
God bless you and all your loved ones.
pain is but a state of mind-use it for the greater good. faith in the divine n in yourself is the key. u want role models? dad suffered same as urs ( that was difficult - problem w/ the plumbing); mom tho i wasn't w/ her kept the faith n endured the pain, not just the cancer, but throughout her life, esp w/ me. stay pinoy, eat n live GREEN, don't focus on whatever u got, focus on life (remember the meditation on the rose fm seed to leaf to bud to beauty? remember the spark within us that grows to a raging inferno of love, truth n faith?) remember MABUHAY!
ReplyDeleteeto pa sa iyo:
Hi Ben,
ReplyDeleteYour post greatly touches. Thanks for sharing.
God is wonderful, sehr gut. Thanking Him for all your blessings, including Chrissie & your kids, and other loved ones. He has truly guarded and preserved you, my friend.
You are loved and nothing can beat that.
Praying that you heal, rest and stay beneath God's amazing grace and loving care.
Hi Benjie,
ReplyDeleteI had no idea you were sick when we occasionally bumped into each other at the office. I will include you in my prayers during my monthly visit to Our Lady of Manaoag in Pangasinan.
Hello Benjie, my chilhood tennis mate. I will include you in my prayers. Hang in there bro, may tie-breaker match pa tayo. -Kinjo
ReplyDeleteHi Benjie!
ReplyDeletePre, what a way to finally get in touch. I am saddened to learn of your condition, but I am deeply humbled having had the chance to read your blog.
Wala akong masabi, pre, through your blog you have provided us a mirror from which we all can all reflect on our own respective lives. You have become a blessing by sharing your experience.
Maraming maraming salamat! I will include you in my daily prayers.
God bless,
Hi Benjie! Just as i have been texting you - know that you are very much in my thoughts and prayers - for strength in amind, body and spirit to be able to accomplish the many morethings you wntto do from dayto day - esp to love your wife Cris and children, and contribute tothis world with your writings that are so well worded and you did not reveal to us till now! keep it up, friend - all thebest and god bless. Love, Sr. Pilar
ReplyDeleteHi Benjie,
ReplyDeleteIt's been years I know but I will never forget you. You were such a good mentor back in my SGV days. And now, you continue to guide and inspire. Your strength and unwavering faith in God and life are a testament to the power and wonder of the human spirit.
Please know that you are always in my prayers. May God bless you always.
Regards to Cris and the family.
Ellen (Diano)