It's Your Choice
Which is the point of it all anyway, isn't it? Staying alive?
When friends approach me about my protocol for people they care about, I tell them that it has kept me alive and well for close to 5 years now. They appear enthusiastic. They listen closely to everything I say. They take down the phone of Dr. Dy-Liacco (, and say they'll get in touch with him.
Then when I see them again, they say that the patient can't take the diet I have to use. They can't take the raw pork pancreas and the raw beef liver. And they definitely can't take the coffee enema. (What? You haven't heard of that before? Well, that's because I haven't written about that yet. But I've got a blog post ready. I just have to post it, and I will, right after this.)
If they feel they can't follow the protocol and decide on chemotherapy or radiation or other western medication or other alternative medicine treatments, I respect that. As long as it works for them, gets rid of the cancer and keeps them alive, I'm all for it. Different strokes for different folks.
But I tell them to monitor the status of their patient closely. If they notice that their treatments don't work, then maybe it's time to look for another remedy. If the cancer goes on remission, then recurs, that's an indication. If it comes back again and again, that's a stronger indication. If it appears in another part of their body, hey, watch out!
And if the cancer gets to Stage 4, then I would call that a major indicator. Wouldn't you?
Western doctors rely on two treatments: radiation and chemotherapy. Sometimes, they mix these up. Sometimes, they add medications. But most of the time, these medications are fix-its for the side effects of the radiation or chemotherapy treatments.
In some instances, they'll go for an operation first to try and remove the first indication of cancer. Surgical strikes work in certain cases. I felt it worked in my case until they did a CT scan on me and an MRI. According to the readings, my cancer metastasized to a spot in my left lung, and to my entire right arm. By that time, I had learned that wherever the cancer metastasizes to, it retains the name of the original cancer. In my case, the spot in my lung continued to be classified as renal cancer, not lung cancer.
I had also learned that renal cancer, wherever it appears, will not respond to radiation or chemotherapy. That was my first lucky break.
My oncologist offered medication that would prolong my life for 6 to 9 months, 12, if I got lucky. All to the tune of about P250,000 for every month of treatment. After one month of treatment, I would be off the medication until they assessed the effectivity of the drugs. Then, it would be another month of drugs, alternated with a month's rest. And so on, until, either I died, or a breakthrough happened and a cure for cancer was found.
Fat chance! I've been hearing that since my high school days, and continue to hear it. If you don't have cancer, the thought of a cure cheers you up and gives you hope. Maybe by the time you get cancer, the cure will have been discovered by GSK or Astra or some other pharmaceutical company.
But if you're looking at a 6 to 9 months lifespan, you don't have that much hope of a miracle discovery. I didn't feel I wanted to spend that much money to wait for a cure. That was my second lucky break.
I didn't have enough money for the medications. If I did, who knows, I might still be spending P250,000 every other month, living the life of a suffering cancer patient, or I might be living the life of a corpse. If the corpse has a life. Well, zombies are walking dead, so maybe that's some sort of life.
Given the two lucky breaks, I had no alternative but to look elsewhere for a cure. And whaddaya know? There is a cure for cancer! And it's called Dr. Kelley's Protocol (, which is the treatment Dr Dy-Liacco introduced to me, and which I continue to follow.
Dr. William Kelly was an American dentist who suffered from prostate cancer. His doctors gave up on him and told him to leave the hospital and wait in the comfort of his home. Well, Dr Kelly had no intention of peacefully waiting for Dr Death.
He developed a treatment that was a combination of proper nutrition, detoxification, and supplements of pancreatic enzymes. He treated himself and lived for another 25 years, finally dying of a heart attack. Well, we all have to go some time, some way.
He had 10,000 documented cases of cancer treatments when John Hopkins University sent a graduate medical student to study his treatment and look into his documents. His cure rate was 93% if the patient had a previous history of radiation or chemotherapy. If there were no such treatments, his cure rate went up to 97%.
The John Hopkins researcher, named Nicholas Gonzales, resigned from John Hopkins and set up his own clinic in Manhattan, using Dr Kelley's protocol to cure cancer. Check him out on Google (
A drowning man will grasp at straws. At the time, this straw looked to me like a log that would save my life. I contacted Dr. Dy-Liacco, a prostate cancer survivor himself who studied metabolic medicine under Dr Kelley. He introduced me to the protocol and gave me my first taste of frozen pork pancreas in his house in La Vista subdivision.
I will always remember his words to me, “I'm not going to cure you of cancer. Only you can cure yourself. And if you follow what I tell you to do, you will be cured.” I liked that, that I had control of what happened to me.
You've read all these before, but it bears reminding. If your cancer has progressed from Stage 1 to Stage 2 to Stage 3 to Stage 4, despite repeated radiation and chemotherapy treatments, I would think you'd want to try something new. But you have to make up your own mind. It is your choice.
Your doctor who prescribed chemotherapy on your Stage 2 cancer, and watched it progess to Stage 3, and prescribed more chemotherapy, and watched it become Stage 4, will not try anything new. They will not admit that their treatments do not work. So they see the Stage 4 cancer patient lose weight, become weak physically, and they will still recommend more aggressive chemotherapy.
As if at the brink of death, more of the same treatments that most probably aggravated your cancer, will suddenly, miraculously, heal you and take away your cancer. What are the chances of that?
So if you're at Stage 4, and your doctor has nothing new to try, but more of the same old, same old, look around for something different. Because only something new and untried will cure you.
If you're at Stage 4, what do you have to lose? Your wonderful, friendly relationship with your caring doctor? What about your life?
When your doctor gives up on you, tells you to pack your things, and go home to wither away in the comfort of your home, then it's time to try something you haven't tried before.
There are several alternative treatments out there. But this is one that I've proven works. So has Dr Dy-Liacco himself. Isn't it worth a try?
But maybe I've overstressed the raw pork pancreas and raw beef liver, with siling labuyo, and 6 saba bananas a day diet. Maybe I've painted a picture of a macho man on a macho diet.
But if you have the money, you don't have to eat raw pork pancreas or raw beef liver. If you live in the US of A, where in H are you going to get fresh raw pork pancreas and raw beef liver?
There are capsules of porcine pancreatic enzyme. Sound good? That's enzymes from pork pancreas. There are capsules of beef liver enzymes. Drink those and you'll still be on the protocol.
I bought a bottle of porcine pancreatic enzyme capsules myself, for the times I wasn't at home to eat the raw pork pancreas. For every two spoonfuls of raw pork pancreas, the equivalent dosage was 12 capsules. At 3 meals of 12 capsules a day, a P10,000 bottle of 500 capsules would last me almost, but not quite, 14 days. Too rich for my blood, so I used it sparingly and kept to the raw meat.
Those are the choices for your Stage 3 or 4 cancer patients, more of the same treatments that haven't worked in the past, or new alternative medicine treatments that work.
It's your choice. I just hate to see a life lost, without a good fight.
And that's life as Benjie, offering you choices to live with.